Tribološka karakterizacija hibridnih kompozita na bazi legure ZA27
Miloradović, Nenad A., 1968
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Autorstvo-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerade 3.0 Srbija (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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Inventory ID
Theses Type
Doktorska disertacija
Other responsibilities
Mitrović, Slobodan, 1967- (ths, code: 07043)
član komisije
Babić, Miroslav, 1954- (oth, code: 07020)
član komisije
Bobić, Ilija. (oth, code: 07960)
član komisije
Marjanović, Nenad, 1961- (oth, code: 04146)
član komisije
Vencl, Aleksandar, 1974- (oth, code: 03568)
Academic Expertise
Tehničko-tehnološke nauke
Univerzitet u Kragujevcu
Fakultet inženjerskih nauka
Alternative title
Tribological characterization of hybrid composites based on ZA27 alloy
PDF/A (listova)
datum odbrane: 19.06.2013.
Abstract (en)
The subject of research in this doctoral dissertation is testing and improving the tribological properties of hybrid composites based on ZA27 alloy. Composite material is considered to be a mixture of two or more materials or phases of the same material that do not dissolve in each other and which has better properties compared to each of the basic materials.
Determination of tribological properties of the developed composites is conducted with variation of the contact geometry, sliding speeds, contact loads and lubrication regimes. Given the increasing importance of hybrid composites, the dissertation is intended to research the development of metal matrix composites by adding different reinforcements to improve their resistance to wear. Particles of silicon-carbide (SiC) and graphite were used as reinforcements. Volume fractions of SiC were 5% and 10%, while graphite volume fractions were
1%, 3% and 5%. Planned laboratory tests were conducted at the Laboratory for tribology of the Faculty of engineering, University of Kragujevac. Analysis of the obtained measurements was conducted and corresponding conclusions were formulated. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the microstructure of the composites were carried out using SEM and EDS analysis. Possible directions for further research in this area were also given.
Authors Key words
Tribologija, hibridni kompoziti
Authors Key words
manuscript text - theses
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